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Worship Preview: Advent 1, Dec. 3rd, 2023

This Weekend: “Advent in Plain Sight: Trees”

Scriptures: Genesis 2:4-9, Revelation 22:1-2, Isaiah 41:8-20, Matthew 3:7-12

Sunday we will begin the Advent journey towards Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Christ. We use this time to prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s coming. We use this time to recognize that Christ is already among us and that we still anticipate greater revelation with his return. We seek to hear anew the stories of God’s love for the world and to learn from how God’s love is revealed. We find God in the ordinary and see the sacred and holy all around us - this first week of Advent, drawing from the book “Advent in Plain Sight: A Devotion Through Ten Objects” by Jill J. Duffield we will focus on Trees. We decorated the sanctuary and building last week and most of us will put up trees in our homes. The trees outside have changed and now drop their leaves, while others persist with evergreen needles. Advent in Plain Sight prompts readers to see the near kingdom of heaven on earth and ponder what that divine proximity enables and asks them to do and be. How do trees reveal God’s love and presence? We will hear from Scripture, such as those above, and engage with tradition, experience, and reason to explore this season of now and not yet and hold in creative and life-giving tension the stories of Christ’s birth and return - join us as we begin the Advent journey seeking to know, grow, serve and share!

Friday, Dec 1: 5-8pm and Saturday Dec. 2nd: 10am to 2pm, as part of Christmas on the Bricks, we will present

our first annual Nativity Showcase – a display of nativity sets and creche’s from members and friends in our fellowship hall. We are excited to have about 36 nativities registered and look forward to welcoming our neighbors in to see the collection!

Sunday Schedule

9:30am Classes: Ebb & Flow, Faith Builders, Youth Group

Nursery and Sunday Morning Explorers for kids.

10:30am Worship in the Sanctuary and on Facebook Live

Afternoon – worship recording posted to YouTube

Visit for links and to find out more about what we believe, what to expect as a visitor, and info on our ministries

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, December 6, 5:30 pm Feeding Families in His Name – this weekly free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. A reminder: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you. If you would like to support this ministry, you can make donations online at

Thursday, December 14th 1:30pm United Women in Faith meet in our Parlor to install 2024 officers and welcome new participants - all women of the community are invited to be a part of our branch of an international organization which seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact local and global communities. Call the church office at (620) 223-1950 for more information!

Sunday, December 24th is both the 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve. We will have our normal 10:30am worship service that morning, celebrating Advent 4 and then at 7pm that evening, our Christmas Candlelight and Communion service. This year we are again passing the light using real candles! All are welcome at Christ’s table and we hope you’ll join us at one or both services this holy day for a wonderful celebration of God with us!



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