Worship Preview 4.14.24 3rd Sunday of Easter
This Sunday: 10:30am – “Easter People: Children of God” 3rd Sunday of Easter
Scriptures – Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36-48
On the liturgical calendar, Easter is a season lasting 50 days – until Pentecost. During these weeks we celebrate and hear stories of the Resurrection of Christ and stories of the early church. We are asked to ponder how we respond to the Messiah, Jesus who was crucified and yet lives. As we do so, the lectionary has us read most of the letter known as 1st John. This week’s magnificent passage declares that we who seek to follow Christ are “children of God” and further that God is Love. The essence of who God is, revealed in Jesus – further revealed in the gift of the Holy Spirit, all of one being with the Father – is love. And love is a relationship. Love is not static.
Last week we shared Holy Communion and next week we will celebrate the baptism – these signs of Christian community and of God’s love and presence. Easter is not a single day, Easter is a way of living in this world, filled with the love of God. We will continue to celebrate and shape our response.
Since we last met, our part of the world experienced a fairly rare cosmic event – a near total eclipse. People withing a few hours of us saw darkness almost like night for a few minutes and there were, as usual, many voices. Some were full of fear and manipulation – declaring judgment. I believe God does call us to repent – but not with the fearmongering. God calls us with love. The eclipse is a wonder – and a reminder that all of creation is a miracle – one God invites us to be a part of. Blessings on your journey.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, April 17, 5:30–6:30pm: Feeding Families in His Name – this weekly free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. A reminder: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you. If you would like to support this ministry, you can make donations online at www.firstumcfortscott.org/onlinegiving.
We also need groups to cook and help serve the meal – if you’d be interested in taking a week, please call the church office at 620-223-1950 and we will get you in touch with the coordinator. We are thankful for all the churches and local organizations that assist with this ministry!
Shepherd’s Center / Adventures in Learning is back! Open to all who are interested but particularly aimed at retired adults in order to combat loneliness and encourage lifelong learning and fellowship, we host a variety of speakers and classes. This year we will meet from 1 to 4pm on the fourth Friday of each month from April to September. Mark your calendar for Friday, April 26th. We will hear from Brian Allen on the history of Fort Scott, new Fort Scott Library staff member Jennifer Gum-Fowler - Library and First UMC’s own Nancy Swanwick on how she got started quilting. Refreshments will be served and there is no cost to attend! Bring a friend!
June 17th – 21st We are hosting VBS this year. We continue to partner with our friends at First Presbyterian but will host Vacation Bible School in our building this time. Mark your calendar for June 17th – 21st in the evenings and watch for more information in the coming months. Plan to bring your kids or grandkids for a great week of faith and fun rooted in Scripture.