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Worship Preview for May 1st, 2022

First United Methodist Church

This Weekend: Sunday at 10:30am “What Wells Are We Drawing From? - Love Has Already Won!”Scriptures: John 4:5-42 and Psalm 30. Pastor Christopher Eshelman preaching.

Every Sunday is a little Easter! The early church gathered, on the first day of the week, the day after the Jewish sabbath, to break bread together. To remember, to anticipate - to participate in the new community, the new covenant that Jesus had initiated through his incarnation, life, ministry, suffering, death and resurrection. They gathered in the presence of the Holy Spirit, the ongoing gift of Christ’s presence. They shared stories and experiences. They searched their scriptures and began to understand what Jesus had said and done. They understood themselves as ekklesia - a Greek word meaning “the called-out assembly or congregation.” In many cases they were people who had been cast out - their belief in and worship of Jesus having caused other communities to shun or even persecute them. The early church responded with love. The early church responded with service. They responded by being Christ-like. These early communities had no political power, limited resources, met in homes and shops - and they transformed the world, because the early church drew from the wells of Christ’s sacrificial love and service.

Sadly, too often in the history of the Church as institution - other wells have become our source and we have repeated the brokenness of the world instead of the healing wholeness of Christ. Sunday we will visit again the familiar story of the woman at the well from John 4. We will pay attention to the details - why is Jesus at this well at this time? Where is this well? What is its history? Who is this woman - what is her story? Jesus knows all of this - and uses it to teach his disciples - and us - some very important lessons. In doing so, the woman’s life is redeemed and transformed, along with her community! What wells do we draw from? How do we share what we find? Is what we draw up sustaining us? Helping others? Or do we insist on drawing from false wells of power, control, violence, and wealth? We are called-out - to be an Easter people. To draw from Christ - the living water. To break bread together and remember, anticipate, and participate in the ways Jesus has shown us and where the Spirit continues to guide us. It is not easy, but we are not alone on the journey. Christ is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!

You are invited to continue the journey of faith with us, coming just as you are with your questions, doubts and hopes - and to experience the transformative love and grace of Christ - which makes us whole. First time considering attending? - see our web site for answers to common questions and more information about what to expect at First UMC.

This Week: Wednesday, May 4, 5:30pm Feeding Families in His Name – this weekly free meal is available to everyone without obligation.

Community Office Hours this week: Pastor Christopher would love to visit with you, he’ll be at Common Grounds Monday from 9:30-10:30am and Hedgehog, Ink from 2-3pm on Thursday. Appointments are available other times - call the church at (620) 223-1950.



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