5.28.23 Worship Preview: Pentecost!
This Weekend: Sunday at 10:30am “The Spirit of Glory: Pentecost”
Scriptures: Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34, 1st Corinthians 12:3b-13, John 7:37-39 – with Rev. Christopher Eshelman preaching.
The last several weeks, we have been talking about spiritual gifts and being the body of Christ. This Sunday, we are encouraged to wear red to worship as we gather and celebrate Pentecost. 50 days after Easter and we will hear the well-known story from Acts 2 of the Spirit being poured out during the gathering for the festival. Peter’s speech, recounted in Acts 2, quotes the prophet Joel and the promise of that prophetic word flows out of Peter as he speaks. It is a story of confidence and hope! A story of empowerment. Young and old, male and female, all are encouraged to dream, to envision, to work together. The kingdom of God inbreaking among them. The miracle of the story is multifaceted – those once hiding fearfully now boldly proclaim. Those separated by the “babble” of different languages now hear in ways they can understand.
This is still our story. Our times have changed, our call has remained. To help explore that, paired with this account in the lectionary are Psalm 104, a hymn of praise for God’s ongoing creation in which human ingenuity and agency are key participants. In the face of the chaotic unknown, humanity is created to build ships and sail. It is symbolic of how we are us our gifts. We also hear again from 1st Corinthians about our different gifts and commonality in Christ and we flash back to a key moment in Jesus’ ministry from John’s Gospel. with a defiant call to of provision and promise of living water.
By water and the Spirit, we are called together as the people of God, each bringing our uniqueness to the whole. Sunday we will celebrate!
Wherever you are on your own journey of faith, you are invited to join in worship and celebration at 10:30am at 301 S. National, coming just as you are, with your questions, doubts, and hopes - and to find purpose, explore your own gifts and graces and experience the fullness of Christ’s transformative, healing love and grace - which makes us whole.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, May 31, 5:30 pm Feeding Families in His Name– this weekly free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. Note: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you.
Walk the Labyrinth! – Dedication Sunday at 11:45am. Exploring the labyrinth is a great way to enjoy beautiful spring days. A walking labyrinth is a single path to the center, there are no wrong turns or dead ends. The labyrinth at 3rdand Crawford is open to all and you can use it to pray, discern, or just enjoy a stroll. Made possible by a cooperative effort of 1st Presbyterian and First United Methodist.
And speaking of their cooperation - mark your calendar also for a special worship service on June 11th. That day, First United Methodist members and friends will join together in one worship service with our neighbors at 1stPresbyterian, 10:30am in their sanctuary at 3rdand Crawford, We will hear from Pastor Darryl Burton about his faith story. Pastor Burrton previously served 24 years for a crime he did not commit and came to faith in Christ during that nightmare, experiencing freedom in Christ long before the physical locks of the prison were opened. Pastor Burton is now an associate Pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City. We are thrilled to have him share his witness here in Fort Scott on this special shared Sunday!
And… Vacation Bible School is coming – June 26th – 30th from 5:30-8. Join us at First Presbyterian for “Ready, Set, MOVE – Following Jesus Here, There, and Everywhere. Contact either church office for registration information.