Worship Preview Nov 3rd - All Saints Sunday and "Do Unto Others: Love"
This Sunday: 10:30am – All Saints Sunday: “Do Unto Others: Love” Rev. Christopher Eshelman preaching. Scriptures: 1 John 4, Matthew 22: 34-40, Hebrews 11:1-3, Hebrews 12:1-3
We live in difficult times – and we follow Christ, who endured the cross and yet still lives and proclaims God’s love! Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are called to be the body of Christ here, now, today! Our “Do Unto Others” series has been about dedicating ourselves to following Christ by living out the Golden Rule. This is the antidote to the ugliness of today’s society.
As we talked about last week, we proclaim that all humans are made in the image of God. This past week in the news, we saw what happens when we lose sight of that. Propaganda and "jokes" are often designed to dehumanize the other – and often we respond with some sort of kindergarten level “am not, am too, no YOU are!” taunting. None of us are garbage, to use one term bandied about by several politicians in recent days. It has been a simple demonstration that the tit for tat and responding in kind leads to increasing tension and little clarity. All of us bear the image of God and all of us sometimes fall short. When we devolve into “both sides do it” finger pointing, excuse our own side while blaming others, there is no love to be found, let along real solutions and progress.
When we instead resolve to both stand up for what we believe in and treat one another as we’d like to be treated – and better yet, getting to know the other well enough to treat them as they would like, not just projecting our own preferences, then we honor the best of our past and improve our future – we become the beloved community.
As this series draws to a close, we may feel more or less resolved in our openness to each other. Loving our neighbors as ourselves –including relatives, coworkers, acquaintances, strangers… and ourselves - is no simple task. We need grace. We need the love of God to show us mercy and strength to love as God loves. We need the life of Jesus – the one who loved across the lines that had been drawn in the society of his day but who also stood up for the least and the lost and flipped the tables of broken, oppressive systems. We need faith that no matter the strain of differing positions, policies, and politics, we will move forward in love. Disagreeing need not be antithetical to love and grace. And indeed, our world depends on all of us working for a better world filled with more kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love.
Sunday we will also celebrate All Saints. We will intentionally remember our great cloud of witnesses, those who have gone before us into the life to come. We will lift of the names of our members and friends who have died in the past year with an act of remembrance as we come forward to Christ’s open table – tying ribbons to a trellis that will then be displayed in our yard, bearing witness to these people who helped shape our journey and who are deeply missed. It is said that grief is love that has lost it’s focus. Intentional times of remembrance and celebration can help us regain focus and let that love continue to shape us here and now. You are welcome to add your own ribbon to the display during the service Sunday or by coming by later in the week.
In a divisive time, John Wesley was asked by a critic what religion he preached. He responded: “What religion do I preach? The religion of love; the law of kindness brought to light by the gospel. What is it good for? To make all who receive it enjoy God and themselves: to make them like God; lovers of all; content in their lives; and crying out at their death, in calm assurance ‘O grave, where is thy victory! Thanks be unto God, who giveth me the victory, through my Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ John Wesley (An Earnest Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion)
This Sunday we officially wrap up this “Do Unto Others” series that we have shared with Resurrection in Kansas City and other churches connected to the Worship Design Studio, but our journey through the themes of Kindness, Compassion, Humility, Respect and Love will continue. Join us each Sunday at 10:30am as we seek to share the good news, exemplify Christ, and know, grow, serve, and share in Christ’s name!
You do not have to have all the answers, or even all of the questions figured out, but if you do not already have a church home or it time for a change, we invite you to journey with us here at First United Methodist, 301 S. National, as we seek to find our path and share our journey!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, November 6th 5:30–6:30pm: Feeding Families in His Name – this free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. A reminder: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you. If you would like to support this ministry, you can make donations online at: www.firstumcfortscott.org/onlinegiving.
(Note – to give our volunteers a break and time with their families, there will not be a meal served the Wednesday before Thanksgiving or on Christmas and New Years since fall on Wednesday this year.)