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Worship Preview 9.29.24 "Hear What the Spirit is Saying"

First United Methodist Church  for 9.28.24 edition


This Sunday: 10:30am – “Hear What the Spirit is Saying!” Rev. Christopher Eshelman preaching. Scriptures: Revelation 2-3


After nearly 2 months, we at last come to the end of our series on the Book of Revelation. We started with the first and last verses, affirming Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, and the cosmic story of a woman and dragon found in Chapter 12. This central narrative evokes all sort of cultural and Biblical stories and focusing on it early helped illustrate that Revelation is not simply a series of future predictions, but overlapping visons recorded to give a small, persecuted minority hope that God, not empire, evil, or oppression, will win – indeed, already has won.


From there we have gone through the visions John reports, seeing how they often show the same moment from different angles or elevations, interspersing images of heavenly worship with destruction released on earth – and how that destruction often highlights the kinds of things humans do to each other and the earth instead of living in covenant and stewardship. Revelation is not a prediction of our doom in the hands on an angry God, it is a call to be aware that our choices and behaviors matter.  Yes, there are ultimate scenes of God’s wrath being poured out – for the destruction of “Babylon” – and the point of all of it is that God will not allow evil to win – and to affirm that God has already won the victory through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. Remember that John hears – is told of – the Lion of Judah, and John sees the Lamb. Crucified, yet living. This interplay between hearing and seeing and understanding happens throughout the book. Revelation is challenging – especially if we fail to see and hear how it evokes the rest of Scripture – Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Leviticus and Exodus… as well as many New Testament stories and themes that we sometimes become too comfortable with.


This week we end with the beginning, by looking at the letters to the 7 churches. What the Spirit is saying to them and to us, often gets lost in the drama, wonder, and violence of the subsequent visions. We will engage with the letters interactively, taking serious the meaning of liturgy as “the work of the people” to see and hear more deeply what the Spirit is saying in Chapters 2 and 3. These churches in what is now Eastern Türkiye are praised and challenged for a variety of things – they are called to love like Jesus, to remain faithful and persist, and to turn away from that which destroys their communities and embraces the false ways of empire. These letters continue to speak to us today – let us hear what the Spirit is saying.


Next week we begin a new series in cooperation with Worship Design Studio and the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in KC. Entitled “Do Unto Others” it will

Help us think about how we stand firm while also being committed to loving like Christ as we face the spiritual consequences of the divisions in our society. We will begin and end the series with Holy Communion – celebrating World Communion Sunday on 10/6 and All Saints Sunday on 11/3! Look for the yard signs with the heart and “join the campaign” to live lives of kindness, respect, love, humility, and compassion – reflecting the faith of Christ!



You are invited to join in worship filled with sacred imagination and hopeful assurance, as we gather at 10:30am each Sunday at 301 S National, 10:30am. Blessings on your journey.Upcoming Events: 


Wednesday, October 2nd  5:30–6:30pm: Feeding Families in His Name – this free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. A reminder: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you. If you would like to support this ministry, you can make donations online at:


Mark Your Calendar! A freewill offering Gospel Concert by Ernie Crouch and Revival will be held at First United Methodist on Saturday, October 26th at 6pm.  Invite a friend!




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