Worship Preview 9.1.24 "Then the Dragon Took His Stand"
This Sunday: 10:30am – ““Then the Dragon Took His Stand””
Pastor Christopher Eshelman Preaching. Scriptures: Daniel 7-12 (reading 7::1-16) and Revelation 11-14, (reading 13:1-10), with Pastor summarizing the other chapters.
We started this deep dive into the book of Revelation and apocalyptic literature with a sermon entitled “beginning, ending, and everything in between.” In that we focused on Jesus as the Alpha and Omega – and we read Chapter 12, a cosmic story of a woman giving birth and a great dragon seeking to kill her offspring. When that is prevented, the dragon seeks to cause havoc and at the end of the chapter “takes his stand” on the sand of the seashore (rather than the rock…).
We started in the middle because it illustrates how this complex book is not one linear story of increasing wrath, but a series of overlapping visions illustrating a central point – that God has overcome evil. It is cast as future events, as all apocalyptic literature is, but we can take it seriously without devolving into fearmongering and hopelessness. The reason it was written in the first place is go call us to faithfulness and active hope – recognition of Christ’s victory, not fear! To emphasize that, we next focused on chapters 4 and 5 – where John hears a lion but sees a lamb. This mixing of symbols invites us into the mystery of Christ and reminds us that we do not fully see clearly or fully understand, but are called to faithful witness. Last week we heard the trumpets blow in chapters 8-10 with scenes of destruction – a third of the earth and stars destroyed. And again, we emphasized how these visions stack and repeat – illustrations from different levels. In Mark 13, Jesus emphasized that “we know not the day or the hour.” And from Revelation we hear John being told to “seal up” what the 7 Thunders said. Revelation is not simply a guide to what will happen, it is a call to faithfulness. Pastor has talked about how a skinned knee is literally the end of the world at the cellular level – just a time for a bandaid, bactine, a kiss from most parents, quickly forgotten, and really doesn’t register at all on the nightly news. “If it bleeds, it leads” doesn’t apply to skinned knees. Revelation is taking us through a similar series of levels – illustrating God’s wrath at sin and defeat of evil, but not merely predicting future horrors.
We’ve looked at how the book draws from other biblical sources, such as the plagues of Exodus. This week we will look at the apocalyptic chapters of the book of Daniel 7-12, going deeper into Daniel’s dreams and stories, and look at another of the best known – and most misused – chapters in Revelation, the appearance of the beast(s) and its number found in Chapter 13 and 14. Let us hear Revelation's call to take our stand - with faithfulness and resistance to the ways of empire and dominations systems - while rejecting theologies of fear and control that, ironically, lead away from real trust in Christ, the lion and lamb, the alpha and omega.
You are invited to join in worship filled with sacred imagination and hopeful assurance, as we gather at 10:30am each Sunday at 301 S National, 10:30am. Blessings on your journey.Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, September 4th 5:30–6:30pm: Feeding Families in His Name resumes after a week of rest – this free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. A reminder: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you. If you would like to support this ministry, you can make donations online at:
Fish Fry 5:30pm Sunday, September 8th Bring a friend and us in Fellowship Hall next week for a freewill donation (suggested $7) Fish Fry to raise money for the mission and ministries of First UMC. We’ll have fish, shrimp and all the fixins! You bring the appetite and fellowship as we seek to build community and nourish both body and soul!
Aging Forward, Friday, September 27th – Aging Forward exists to encourage fellowship and lifelong learning for retired adults, our programs are on the 4th Friday from April to September and are free and open to anyone who would like to attend.
For more info visit: www.firstumcfortscott.org/AgingForward
And look for our Friendship Soup Luncheons to resume at 11:30am on the 4th Friday of October! These meals serve to raise funds for various missions and ministries while encouraging fellowship.