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Worship Preview 7.31.22

This Weekend: Sunday at 10:30am Membership and What We Believe” Scriptures: John 14: 8-11, Philippians 2:5-11, and Colossians 1:15-20 with Rev. Christopher Eshelman preaching.

On and after Pentecost we talked about stories of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promises his followers an Advocate that will continue to lead and teach. How do we understand who this Holy Spirit is? How do we understand who Jesus is – we Christians believe Jesus is “the Word made flesh” – in our main readings this day we hear him described as “the image of the invisible God,” “firstborn of creation,” one who “found himself in human form” and did not “cling to divinity.” One of our texts for VBS was the creation story of Genesis 1 – a loving, intentional God establishing order and calling forth light and life. Another was the wonderful story of the Burning Bush and Moses learning that God is “I Am” – a verb, not a noun. Active, not fixed. Pastor Christopher has emphasized recently that United Methodists focus on faith lived out, not narrow adherence to a particular creed. Sometimes that is taken as “we can believe anything” or “it doesn’t matter what we believe.” That is incorrect. At the center of our Christian faith is our understanding of who Jesus is, who the Holy Spirit is… who God is.The word Trinity is not found in the Bible, but from the first line of Genesis to the last line of Revelation and all throughout, Christians find the One God revealed in three persons. We will begin and end the service with a special procession centered around some of these verses that shape our understanding and encounter with God: Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sunday we will ponder this mystery – the One who is love, who is relationship, who is present always, but not always in the same way. Holy, Holy, Holy. Join us in person or online to explore this mystery and ponder where it leads your path next.

If you do not have a church home, or just need a change, you are invited to join in worship at 10:30am at 301 S. National, coming just as you are with your questions, doubts and hopes - and to experience the transformative, healing love and grace of Christ - which makes us whole.

See more information on what to expect.

This Week: Wednesday, August 3rd, 5:30pm Feeding Families in His Name– this weekly free meal is available to everyone without obligation.

Community Office Hours: Pastor Christopher will hold community office hours next week – being available at Moe’s on Monday, August 1st from 9:30am to 10:30am and Hedgehog, Ink! from 2:30-3:30pm on Thursday, August4th. Come say hello!



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