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Worship Preview 1.26.25 "Six Stone Jars: Fill My Plans with Purpose"



This Sunday: 10:30am – “Six Stone Jars: Fill My Plans with Purpose” Rev. Christopher Eshelman preaching. Scriptures: Isaiah 61:1-11 and Luke 4:12-20         


We continue our worship series on the economy of Jesus we will look at another beginning. As we saw last week, John tells us of a wedding feast. A miscalculation has occurred. At his mother’s behest, six stone jars in which water was turned to wine – and the steward announces the best has been saved for last. This act is a sign and symbol of the transformation of the community into abundant life. At Cana, Jesus was quietly behind the scenes. Luke does not tell the story of the Six Stone Jars at Cana – but he does tell us about the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee. “Then Jesus, in the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding region. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.”


Jesus goes to his hometown synagogue – “as was his custom.” He is called upon to read the Scriptures – much like a liturgist would today – although in my experience visiting even modern synagogues, one of the expectations is that any avowed member might be called upon to not only read but discuss. I used to like pointing that out to confirmation groups I took on such visits when I served in Wichita – what would it look like if every member of the church coming to worship prepared to participate and even accept the invitation to proclaim?(!)


Jesus is handed the scroll of Isaiah – apparently that day’s assigned text, just as many churches follow a lectionary cycle today. Isaiah scrolls are among the most commonly found in archeological digs. It was important in the life of the synagogues and 1st century faithful. Those gathered would have known the text well. This is a scroll that Jesus likely read from and heard often as he grew from child to adult.


Jesus unrolls the scroll. Finds his place. He begins to read. To help us understand this moment we will hear the full passage from the Prophet Isaiah in our first reading Sunday – but then Jesus does something unexpected! Jesus reads just a few lines then rolls up the scroll and says “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”


Scandalous! Next week we’ll read the rest of this story – about how the audience moves from cheering the hometown boy to being so angered by this pronouncement – and especially the claim God’s mercy extends to others - that they try to throw him off a cliff!  


Jesus’ hometown audience, bluntly, does not believe that “he is in the power of the Spirit.” Do we? Are we prepared to hear this good news? Are we prepared to share it with others – to realize that it is not just for us but for the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed? That we, today, are being called out of our comfort zones, to relinquish our control? A text written thousands of years ago, telling of Jesus reading a text still thousands of years older, speaks to us in this day! – maybe even uncomfortably so!


This day it challenges the powerful and it comforts the afflicted. The way of Jesus is not passive or simple. In recent weeks we’ve talked about discipleship; about making, meaning and growing into covenant; about dedicating ourselves and remembering our baptismal vows. This week we look to Jesus to fill our plans with purpose.


If you do not have a church home, or if it’s time for a change, we invite you to worship with us at First United Methodist. We meet each Sunday at 10:30am at 301 S. National. Come as you are, wear what you have, and join with others as we sing, pray, and seek to find our path and share our journey!  


Upcoming Events: 


Wednesday, January 29th  – Feeding Families in His Name: A “to-go” meal is distributed under the portico at 301 S. National. This free meal is available to everyone without obligation. A reminder: Please do not block nearby driveways while waiting. Thank you. If you would like to support this ministry, you can make donations online at:


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