Sermon Preview for 2.13.22 "When the Storms of Life are Raging..."
This Weekend: Sunday at 10:30am “When the Storms of Life Are Raging” Scriptures: Isaiah 64:1-9 and Mark 4:35-41. Pastor Christopher Eshelman preaching.
Isaiah 64 is a powerful passage that is part of a communal lament in a time of crisis. We in 2022 can identify with some of that lament - it’s been a very tough couple of years. We cry out, wishing God would “split the heavens and come down” setting things right! Of course, we have ideas about what sins and people God should wipe away… and they’re generally not ours. Then we pause. We remember praying for forgiveness “as we forgive…” The passage then evokes the same clay and potter metaphor we looked at last week. God can reshape things - and us. And, as Christians, God has “come down.” God has set things right - not by ordering the world according to our whims but by dwelling with us. Our Gospel passage is also a powerful story. Jesus is asleep in the boat as the storm rages - does he not care they are perishing? The sea, in scripture, is often a symbol of chaos - Jesus rebukes the storm then asks the disciples “have you no faith?” This week we continue to think about how God calls us and shapes us - individually and as a community of faith. We continue think about how we respond in prayer and in practice each day. When the storms of life are raging, God is with us - and we are called to be with God. Come find some peace, and be equipped, in the midst of your storms - Sunday at 10:30am. Blessings on your journey.
This Week Wednesday, February 16th, 5:30pm Feeding Families in His Name – this weekly free meal is available to everyone without obligation.
Community Office Hours this week: Pastor Christopher would love to visit with you, he’ll be at Hedgehog, Ink1 from 2-3pm on Tuesday and Common Grounds from 9:30-10:30am Friday. Appointments are available other times - call the church at (620) 223-1950.
301 Prayers: You are invited to set an alarm at 3:01pm every day (or another regular time that works better for you) and pause for intentional prayer for our church, community, nation and world as we seek God’s will in 2022.
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